I’m a fan of outsourcing. If there’s something I can’t do or I know someone can do better than me, I’ll always outsource it to a specialist. From tax returns to a car valet, I call the experts and am happy to pay for a quality service. The realisation has hit many SMEs in the last while that content has a major role to play in their business. They need to establish a consistent, professional tone for their business and quality, well crafted web content will do just that. So, why should you use a professional SEO copywriter?
Three reasons for an SME to use a copywriter – online and offline
Your time is your money. Remember that time you had to write a press release for the local newspaper in the early years of your business. It was the first one you had to do and you had rotten memories of English class and that awful teacher who picked on……anyway…. . How long did it take you? Two hours? Longer? A professional copywriter can have a chat with you over the phone and deliver an expertly-written press release in 30 minutes. Imagine what you could do with that two hours you lost, sweating over sentence formation and relying on Microsoft Word to correct your grammar. Reason No. 1: Time
Where do you start? Your web designer has come back and said with a sarcastic, knowing grin, ‘send on the content when you can…’ His voice trails off. He knows it. You know it. There is no content. So, the prospect of sitting down to write anything between 10 and 30 pages fills you with dread. And as you know little about the role of SEO in online copywriting, will it be any good? An experienced copywriter will sit down with you, get the required information and go through the process with you. They’ll apply the science of SEO copywriting to your script and work closely with your designer. They write for a living and have the structures and skills to deliver a professional script which will sell you and your business and they also know SEO and how it applies to them. Reason No. 2: They’re experts in a specialist but vital area. And they’ll increase your chances of getting ‘found’ on Google.
Consistency. Perhaps the most overlooked advantage of retaining an experienced copywriter is the consistency of your communications. Think about all the written materials you’ve had to provide in your business life. Content for brochures; Web content; Sales letters; Flyers; Press releases and so much more. A consistent tone on all these will produce a polished message. After the first job, your copywriter will know your audience, tone, preferences and all about your marketing message and using them assures you of consistency in all your communications. Reason No. 3: You’ll achieve a consistent, professional tone from all your marketing communications.
How do I know a good copywriter? They’re experienced, they have written for your specific sector before or one that’s similar. They’re easy to get on with and are not afraid to offer advice on marketing and advertising in general. And they‘re affordable! This one is all of those and is somewhat of an SME specialist and I’d highly recommend him. See www.oconnellcopy.com
Tell him I sent you!