If Tourism is your business, you know all about seasonality and planning. In high season, you don’t have time to think and you are either relieved that all your planning and preparation is paying off or you’re like the majority of us. …we plan a little during slow periods and then react furiously when we’re already busy doing everything else in busier times. Content marketing is just like every other aspect of business, the more you plan, the better it works for you. In today’s blog, we’re looking at how tourism businesses can use less busy times to plan their content marketing.
And remember, if you do simply ‘wing it’, your results will show that that’s exactly what you have done. Today, we‘re going to show you how to create a content marketing pan for the next six months using the following six steps….
Create a content marketing plan for the next six months using the following steps….
- Define your target market personas – it’s important to know who you are writing for. Are they male or female or both? What age are they? Where do they live? You should know exactly who you are writing and creating content for, so it is very targeted and most importantly, relevant to them. For example, if you target families with small children, the content is going to be based around family activities and possibly outdoor activities. But if you are targeting a young or old couple with no children, your content might be more about romantic activities and dining.
- What actions do you want them to take? What is the goal? Do you want your customers to take advantage of an offer? Do you want readers to sign up for your email marketing or to receive more content from you? Add some conviction to your content marketing and ensure the next step is clear to your customer.
- How will you measure the success of the content – will you rely on analytics numbers counting readers, downloads, shares and what tools will you use? Google analytics is probably the best tool out there for tracking activity online.
- Why would they be interested in what you have to say? Make it clear what it is that you do better or different than your competitors – in other words, showcase your USPs and benefits of your hotel, region or destination. The customer is always thinking WIIFM (what’s in it for me??)…
- Where will you post/publish your content? Choose what platforms to publish your content and make sure the platforms you choose are where your customers are active and networking.
Like any new skill or project, content marketing is only easy when you know how. If you’re new to content marketing and need a little help with the planning, why not download your content marketing plan document right here…
Happy planning!!