by Sandra Hennessy | 25th Feb 2015 | Content Marketing
You are probably reading the headline and wondering what on earth is CMQP. Well you will not have heard it before, it is a Sandraism (basically something I made up). In the future when it becomes big you can say you heard it here first :-). So where did it come...
by Sandra Hennessy | 13th Aug 2013 | Content Marketing
On our digital marketing training courses, we find that the same questions are cropping up all the time. And one of the most popular is… I know content marketing is important but…how do I create interesting content that will get traffic and ultimately get leads and...
by Sandra Hennessy | 24th Jun 2013 | Content Marketing
Another great guest post from Diarmuid O’Connell The digital world has ensured we are all a whole lot busier. And while a content marketing strategy including regular blogging sounds like a great idea– is it something you can commit to? Step forward the...
by Sandra Hennessy | 4th Jun 2013 | Content Marketing
If Tourism is your business, you know all about seasonality and planning. In high season, you don’t have time to think and you are either relieved that all your planning and preparation is paying off or you’re like the majority of us. …we plan a little during slow...